The Archery Shoot to qualify for State is Monday, December 28th at the High School Campus Gym. 9th-12th grade will shoot at 3:00pm and 5th-8th grades will shoot at 4:00pm. All scores must be sent in by January 2nd so shooters need to be at this qualifier!! Contact Coach Wells for more information.
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
Reminder: tomorrow is the last day to turn in any remaining work or to complete any make up assignments. Parents if you have any questions if your student has make up work please check their grades on your Wen-gage account. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
The 7th/8th grade Winter Formal has been re-scheduled for March 6th.
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
ALL Mustangs Basketball games grades 3/4 & 5/6, 7/8 & High School have been postponed this week 12-14 through 12-18. NO BASKETBALL GAMES this week. Everyone please be safe. Games will resume after the new year.
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
KTC will be virtual tomorrow for those high school students who attend. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
CLARIFICATION: bus routes will not run this week. We will still have school. Parents are to bring students to school. IF you cannot bring your child to school AND the bus was your only way to get them to school, please contact us and we will help get work to your child.
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
Due to a rise in COVID-19 cases and contact tracing, we will not run bus routes this week. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If your child rides the bus AND has work to complete, please contact the school and we will make arrangements to get work to your child. We apologize for the late notice, but this is an ever-changing situation and we have discussed it at great lengths and feel it is in the best interest of the students. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
Due to the current climate with COVID-19, we kindly ask that presents for teachers and staff are postponed until Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week. We know that you want to show appreciation for the hard work they have put in this semester. A text, an email or a small note would be highly welcomed this next week! Thank you, Shelly Harmon Principal
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
Due to COVID-19, the elementary parties will be a little different than usual. Please do not send any treats or presents. We will provide activities and treats for all of the elementary students. Thank you for your cooperation and continued support!
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
Mrs. Morgan’s 8th grade conducted Round 2 of “Cupcake Wars”. Team Great Value Sprinkle Mix(they choose their own name) won! Congratulations Aubrey, Ella and Haylin(not pictured)
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
December 14-17 Elementary Schedule Monday-First Semester Final Assignments Day #1 Tuesday-First Semester Final Assignments Day #2 Wednesday-Makeup Day #1 Christmas Party 1:00 Thursday-Makeup Day #2 Students who do not have all of their final assignments turned in by 3:00pm on Tuesday MUST report for make up days on Wednesday and Thursday. No assignments will be accepted after 3:00pm Thursday.
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
December 14-17 JH/HS Schedule Monday- First Semester Final Assignments Day #1 Tuesday- First Semester Final Assignments Day #2 Wednesday- Makeup Day #1 Thursday- Makeup Day #2 Students who do not have all of their final assignments turned in by 3:00pm on Tuesday MUST report for make up days on Wednesday and Thursday. No assignments will be accepted after 3:00pm Thursday.
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
Mrs. Morgan’s 8th grade class had “Cupcake Wars” yesterday!! The winning team was the Blue Kitchen aka. Team Winter Queens!
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
The ballgames with Whitesboro has been rescheduled for February 8th.
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
Christmas Door Decorating contests were held at all 3 sites this past week. The winners are: HS- Sophomore Class JH- 8th Grade Elementary- 2nd Grade Thank you to our Mustang CIA for rewarding each winning group with prizes!!!
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
8th Grade
2nd Grade
Mrs. Morgan’s 8th grade class participated in “Chopped” this week. The Blue Kitchen won the Burger Challenge!
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
Congratulations to our 5th/6th grade girls for taking 2nd place in the Monroe Basketball Tournament!
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
The 3/4 & 5/6 grade games will still take place on Wednesday morning AT Cameron. They are not allowing fans in for these games, players and coaches ONLY. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
Vouchers for Tuesday’s game vs Buffalo Valley will be handed out to players Monday morning. To attend the Jr. High and High School sessions you must have vouchers for both sessions. If you do not have an athlete on the team you may reserve your tickets after 10 AM by calling 918-875-3351. Masks required to enter and everywhere except while eating, drinking, or in your seats. Thank you for your cooperation. Gym will be cleared after JH session. If attending both sessions your HS voucher must be stamped in order to not pay again.
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School
The Elf Shelf will be open tomorrow morning before and after the Arkoma Christmas Parade so students can have extra opportunities to shop! The store is inside the library doors at the Elementary school and will be open from 8:30-9:30 and again from 10:30-11:30. Please use social distancing and wear a mask when shopping to keep everyone healthy.
almost 4 years ago, Arkoma School